Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Furnace

System Description

In order to realize the clean utilization of hazardous wastes with heavy metals and organic substances, RE TECH has developed a unique low-temperature pyrolysis technology for organic hazardous wastes, which can be widely used in the resource treatment and harmless recycling of waste enamel wires, waste circuit boards, waste tires, and waste lithium batteries with the core equipment of the steel belt-type low-temperature pyrolysis furnace. The technology adopts anaerobic pyrolysis to carry out comprehensive recovery, avoiding the production of a large number of hazardous substances generated by direct incineration, while at the same time, all the organic matter will be converted into reusable products, realizing the recycling of hazardous wastes, and completely solving the problem of environmental pollution in the process of recovery of such resources. This technology has already achieved successful industrial application. Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Furnaces provide a sustainable and efficient solution for the treatment and recycling of hazardous and organic wastes. By converting waste into valuable by-products, they not only mitigate environmental pollution but also contribute to resource recovery and energy efficiency. This technology is especially relevant in modern waste management strategies aimed at reducing the environmental footprint and promoting circular economy principles.

Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Technology for Hazardous Waste Treatment

Key Features:

Steel Belt-Type Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Furnace:

The core of this technology is a specially designed pyrolysis furnace that operates at low temperatures.

The steel belt mechanism ensures controlled and consistent processing of waste materials, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the pyrolysis process.

Anaerobic Pyrolysis:

The process occurs in the absence of oxygen, preventing combustion and the release of harmful by-products typically associated with high-temperature incineration.

This method significantly reduces the emission of hazardous substances and environmental pollutants.

Comprehensive Recovery:

The technology enables the complete conversion of organic matter into reusable products.

Heavy metals are safely separated and can be reclaimed or disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

Waste-to-Resource Conversion:

Organic components of the waste are transformed into valuable resources such as synthetic gases, oils, and char, which can be repurposed in various industries.

This conversion supports a circular economy by reducing waste and promoting the reuse of materials.


Waste Enamel Wires: Efficiently recovers metals and organic insulation materials without the release of toxic fumes.

Waste Circuit Boards: Extracts valuable metals and other components, minimizing electronic waste.

Waste Tires: Produces reusable by-products such as carbon black and pyrolysis oil, reducing the environmental impact of tire disposal.

Waste Lithium Batteries: Safely processes and recovers valuable metals like lithium and cobalt, addressing the growing challenge of battery recycling

Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Furnace

When considering advanced waste management and material processing solutions, a Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Furnace offers significant advantages. The use of a Low Temp Pyrolysis Furnace enables efficient and environmentally friendly conversion of organic materials at lower temperatures. For industries seeking versatile and reliable equipment, our range of Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Equipment is designed to meet various operational needs. Our Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Units are engineered with cutting-edge technology, ensuring superior performance and scalability. By integrating our Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Technology into your processes, you can achieve sustainable and cost-effective outcomes.

Lead Recycling

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Slag & Sludge Recovery

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